यह ब्लॉग खोजें

मंगलवार, 5 मार्च 2019

Tata power solar launched rooftop solutions successfully

Tata Power Solar has made a successful launch of Rooftop Solar solution in the Steel City of India

Mr. Kaushik Sanyal deliberated on the key green energy benefits which can be brought out through is initiative along with technical positives

The flagging off of the Solar Energy vehicle was done by honorable MD- JUSCO Mr. Tarun Daga, at Town office Jamshedpur which will campaign across the Steel city to collect the opportunity from the end users. On this occasion several Tata Power officers was present there mainly  Mr Rakesh Ranjan, Mr Suresh Srivastava, Mr Rajesh , Mr Siddharth was present there.

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